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2016-10-3 09:43 回覆|
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2016-10-2 11:21 回覆|
Rupert Spira : Every Time I Open My Eyes
2016-9-30 09:21 回覆|
Have you no thought O dreamer that it may be all maya, illusion?
2016-9-30 09:20 回覆|
As any she belied with false compare. 比起那些受到不實比喻讚美的女人。
2016-9-30 03:02 回覆|
And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare, 但老天明鑑,我想我的情人一樣獨特,
2016-9-30 03:02 回覆|
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground: 當我情人行走,她落足於地:
2016-9-30 03:02 回覆|
I grant I never saw a goddess go, 的確,我不曾眼見女神前行,
2016-9-30 03:02 回覆|
That music hath a far more pleasing sound: 深知音樂有更討喜的樂音:
2016-9-30 03:01 回覆|
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know 她的言談我深愛傾聽,但我
2016-9-30 03:01 回覆|
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. 比起她的氣息於那唇齒之間。
2016-9-30 03:01 回覆|
And in some perfumes is there more delight 香水的芬芳更令人滿心愉悅,
2016-9-30 03:01 回覆|
But no such roses see I in her cheeks; 但不見此花色於她雙頰暈透;
2016-9-29 04:12 回覆|
I have seen roses damasked, red and white, 曾見玫瑰或紅或白,或泛微紅,
2016-9-29 04:12 回覆|
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. 若髮為絲,她的額上縷縷黑絲。
2016-9-29 04:12 回覆|
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; 若雪為白,她的酥胸色澤暗靄;
2016-9-29 04:12 回覆|
Coral is far more red, than her lips red: 珊瑚更為紅潤,比起她的紅唇:
2016-9-29 04:12 回覆|
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; 我情人的眼睛絲毫不似太陽;
2016-9-29 04:11 回覆|
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