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It's a wonderful Friday night. Good Luck.
2011-5-27 20:09 回覆|
錯愕! 悅氏10萬瓶塑化飲料急下架
2011-5-23 21:58 回覆|
今年第2號 輕颱桑達形成
2011-5-22 13:29 回覆|
We will have BC test tomorrow, Good luck to us.
2011-5-20 21:29 回覆|
I was uncomfortable this afternoon, but now I feel better.
2011-5-18 20:43 回覆|
It' raining outside.
2011-5-17 21:11 回覆|
No news is good news
2011-5-16 21:42 回覆|
It's beautiful Sunday, is it? Good luck to You.
2011-5-15 10:04 回覆|
I'm back from the wedding ceremony. Good experience for me.
2011-5-14 17:58 回覆|
Time to go to bed. Good night.
2011-5-13 22:24 回覆|
Should I go to bed now? Maybe...But...
2011-5-12 22:56 回覆|
Nice to meet you.
2011-5-9 22:30 回覆|
2011-5-7 09:30 回覆|
What a wonderful Friday Night! I
2011-5-6 19:20 回覆|
I'm so tired because I didn't take a nap at noon.
2011-5-5 21:20 回覆|
I misunderstand that today is Friday. Oh, my God.
2011-5-4 20:03 回覆|
I will buy a new badminton racket and yoostar-- a Video Game for XBOX
2011-5-3 21:37 回覆|
Hello. I'm hungry now.
2011-4-30 14:52 回覆|
  Have a nice weekend.
2011-4-29 22:33 回覆|
A very tiring week. Hope I can have luck to rest myself well. Thanks God.
2011-4-29 22:32 回覆|
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