JKF 捷克論壇

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騎士 | 2011-11-22 21:22:51

Hi, haven't been here for a long time, hope no one will mind it...;P
Here's one of my diaries, i post it in here because i wana express my feelings and on the other hand,
I want some advices from you all...^^
for improvement of course, thanks guys!

Dear diary,

Sometimes life makes me frustrated, especially on study.
Paid so much effort on the subject i thought i might handle it well, spent 9 hours on it one day before the examination, and even scarified the other subject which also tested on the same day,

But the results just strike me down straight from the shoulder.

The world is never a fair world, we can never get as same as what we paid,
but there is always someone get more than they actually paid easily.
But i know that i should never blame on anything about this,
cause somewhere in the wrold, there must be millions of people living worse than you many many times......
Think about those who have mental disorder, those with physical diasability and those who are fighting with death,
I should be glad that i can still control over my life,
i have my own thoughts, i have my own choice to do things i wana do,

I should never give up!
It's not because i didn't work hard, it's because i didn't work hard enough.
Next time i will get back what i deserve!!!
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