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夜貓子勳章' 幸運草勳章+1' 


已有 23535 人來訪過

  • It was-4 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to listen music on internet 回覆
  • It was -5 degrees Celsius. I employed computer to watch youtube on internet at home. 回覆
  • It was -2 degrees Celsius. While it was snowing, I strolled in Acsa to eat meal. 回覆
  • It was -7 degrees Celsius. A part of fences fell down on ground because it was strong wind. Before I listened radio at home, I strolled in St Timothy church to eat foods 回覆
  • It was 4 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to watch youtube on internet. 回覆
  • It was 0 degrees Celsius. Before I played online game on internet at home, I strolled in Acsa to eat meal. 回覆
  • it was -4 degrees Celsius and Easter Monday. After I ate foods in Acsa, I came back home to watch tvb show on internet. 回覆
  • It was -1 degrees Celsius. A man finished to fix the heat today. I used computer to watch youtube on internet at home. 回覆
  • It was 2 degrees Celsius. It was Easter holiday so Acsa was closed today. I used computer to watch youtube on internet at home. 回覆
  • It was 3 degrees Celsius. Before I ate meal in St Timothy Church, I strolled in Acsa to read a magazine. 回覆
  • It was 3 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to listen radio on internet. 回覆
  • It was 3 degrees Celsius. After I read a magazine in Acsa, I got foods to eat. 回覆
  • It was -2 degrees Celsius. Before I watched tvb show at home, I strolled in Acsa to eat meal. 回覆
  • It was -2 degrees Celsius. I used computer to play online game on internet at home. 回覆
  • It was -4 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to read newspaper on internet. 回覆


  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 7-21 08:19
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 7-21 07:32
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 6-25 07:25
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 2-6 05:07
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 11-22 08:21
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 11-22 08:21
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 11-22 08:21
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 11-22 08:21
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 10-1 09:12
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 10-1 09:12
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 10-1 09:12
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 8-10 11:08
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 8-10 11:08
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 8-4 00:12
    the community bbq
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 1-8 11:47
  • thtse 上傳了新圖片 1-8 11:47


buffet and meal 2015-01-08
i walked in the church to eat meal after i jogged back home yesterday. dad picked me up by car to eat buffet last night.


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ccg888 3 天前
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