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騎士 | 2009-9-25 20:26:12

What cures colds, flu, sore throats, sore muscles, headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, hangovers, back pain, jaw pain, tennis elbow, blisters, acne and colic, costs nothing, has no weird side effects and doesn't require a prescription?
  Plain old-fashioned time. But it's often the hardest medicine for patients to take.
  'Most people's bodies and immune systems are wonderful in terms of handling things -- if people can be patient,' says Ted Epperly, a family physician in Boise, Idaho, and president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
  愛達荷州的家庭醫生、也是美國家庭醫生學會(American Academy of Family Physicians)主席的艾伯利(Ted Epperly)說,如果大家可以耐心一點的話,大多數人的身體和免疫系統在應對疾病的時候都會表現很好。
  'I have a mantra: You can do more for yourself than I can do for you,' says Raymond Scalettar, a Washington, D.C., rheumatologist and former chairman of the American Medical Association. But, he says, 'some patients are very medicine-oriented, and when you tell them they aren't good candidates for a drug they've heard about on TV, they don't come back.'
  華盛頓特區的風濕病學家、曾任美國醫療協會(American Medical Association)前董事長的斯加列托(Raymond Scalettar)表示,他有一句話奉勸大家:患者能為自己做的比醫生能夠為患者做的更多。不過,他也說,一些患者十分迷信藥物,當你坦言,他們並不適合使用他們在電視上看到過的某種藥物,他們就不再回來了。
  An estimated one-third to one-half of the $2.2 trillion Americans spend annually on health care in the U.S. is spent on unnecessary tests, treatments and doctor visits. Much of that merely buys time for the body to heal itself.
  And while temporary relief from symptoms is nothing to sneeze at, it adds up to a considerable amount of spending: $5.4 billion annually on cough and cold remedies, $2.7 billion on headache remedies and $411 million on chest rubs and other analgesics, according to Nielsen Co. Americans also spend an estimated $1 billion on unnecessary antibiotics that don't even relieve the symptoms of viral infections, and contribute to antibiotic resistance. But some patients are so insistent on getting antibiotics that doctors give in.
  雖然暫時緩解症狀並不是什麼值得輕視的事情,但是根據尼爾森公司(Nielsen Co.)的調查,這加起來可是一大筆開銷:每年有54億美元花費在咳嗽和感冒藥上,27億美元花費在頭痛藥上,4.11億美元花費在胸部按摩用止痛劑(chest rub)及其它止痛劑上。據估計,美國人每年還在不必要的抗生素類藥物上花費高達10億美元,而這些藥物甚至無法減輕病毒感染的症狀,反而會增強抗生素的抗體。但是,一些患者對使用抗生素非常堅持,以至於醫生也只好做出讓步。
  'I have colleagues who say, 'You can take this pill and get better in two days, or do nothing and get over it in 48 hours,'' says Dr. Scalettar.
  Even H1N1, or swine flu, for all the uproar, almost always resolves in a few days with no treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging physicians to use Tamiflu, an antiviral medication, sparingly to prevent shortages and avoid antiviral resistance. Only people who are hospitalized or at high risk for complications should get Tamiflu, according to the CDC.
  即便是喧囂一時的甲型H1N1流感幾乎也能在幾天內自行退去,而無需任何治療。美國疾病控制和預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)正在敦促醫生謹慎使用抗病毒藥物達菲(Tamiflu),以免出現短缺和病毒抗體。CDC表示,只有入院治療或者極有可能出現並發症的患者才應服用達菲。
  The list of 'self limiting' maladies -- those that require no outside treatment -- range from minor annoyances to what might appear to be more serious musculoskeletal problems. 'Muscle aches and pain, minor traumas, sprains and strains typically do not need to be seen by a doctor,' says Dr. Epperly, who recommends his organization's Web site, www.FamilyDoctor.org, as a resource to look up symptoms and health concerns. 'Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are typically time-limited. People will start to see improvement in two or three days -- just watch that you're not throwing up blood,' he says. If so, call your doctor.
  Almost all viral infections resolve on their own, unless you have a compromised immune system. As a rule of thumb, Dr. Epperly says, infections in the nose, throat, stomach and upper respiratory tract tend to be viral. Infections elsewhere in the body are likely to be caused by bacteria, and those can get worse without antibiotics. About 80% of urinary-tract infections resolve on their own, for example, but about 20% develop into more serious kidney or blood infections. And even if they don't, the symptoms can be very uncomfortable.
  Parents are often extremely eager to 'do something' for children who complain of sniffles, stomach aches, scrapes and fevers. Yet kids are generally very resilient, writes Lara Zibners, an emergency pediatrician, in her book, 'If Your Kid Eats This Book, Everything Will Still Be Okay.' (For a fever, she advises calling the doctor if the patient is a baby younger than three months and has a fever over 100.4 degrees. For kids older than that, other symptoms are more important than the thermometer -- especially if a child is listless, irritable, unusually sleepy, refusing to eat or drink, or having trouble breathing.)
  對於抱怨流鼻涕、胃痛、刮傷或者發燒的孩子,父母經常會極其迫切地要為他們“做點什麼”。然而,孩子對疾病的抵抗能力通常都很強,急診兒科醫生茲布納(Lara Zibners)在她寫的書“If Your Kid Eats This Book, Everything Will Still Be Okay”中這樣寫道。(如果遇到孩子發燒,她建議在患者不到三個月大並且體溫高於38度的情況下,父母需要致電家庭醫生。對於比較大的孩子,其它症狀比體溫更加重要──尤其是如果孩子情緒低落、急躁易怒、極度困倦、拒絕吃喝或者呼吸困難的話。)
  Some chronic maladies follow predictable courses, according to many medical experts, whether or not they are treated.
  Colic is almost always gone in four months. Some 70% of acne is gone three to four years after it first appears. 'Frozen shoulder' -- a painful restriction of the shoulder joint -- is typically painful for three to six months and stiff for the next four to six months, and resolves completely after one to three more months. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain tends to go away by itself in 18 months. Sciatica resolves on its own in three weeks in 75% of cases.
  For all the misery it causes, 80% to 90% of back pain resolves with only 'conservative measures' (which include anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, heat, physical therapy and chiropractic treatments). 'Sometimes it take days to weeks, sometimes it takes weeks to months, but pain lasts more than three months in only about 10% of cases,' says Michael J. Yaszemski, chief of orthopedic spine surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
  雖然背痛會給人造成很多不適,但是80%到90%的背痛僅靠“保守療法”即可痊愈,其中包括服用消炎藥、休息、熱療、物理療法和脊椎指壓療法。明尼蘇達州梅約醫院(Mayo Clinic)的整形脊柱外科主任雅斯曼斯基(Michael J. Yaszemski)表示,有時候會持續數天到數周,有時候會是數周到數月,但是疼痛超過三個月的案例只有大約10%。
  Whether to operate even in those remaining cases is controversial, he says. With acute lumbar disc herniation, studies have found that two and five years later, there's little difference between patients who had surgery and those who did not. But surgery can sometimes provide relief faster.
  'There are those patients who feel they just can't wait -- like Joe Montana,' says Dr. Yaszemski of the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, who made headlines when he returned to playing football just eight weeks after spinal surgery in 1986.
  雅斯曼斯基醫生表示,有些病人覺得他們根本無法等待,像喬•蒙大拿(Joe Montana)那樣。蒙大拿曾是舊金山49人隊的橄欖球四分衛,他曾經因為在1986年做完脊椎手術僅僅8周後就重新上場比賽而名噪一時。
  Many patients are relieved to hear that they don't need to take medicine, have a blood test or undergo surgery for what ails them. But some feel embarrassed to have taken the doctor's time or frustrated because they think the doctor isn't taking their situation seriously. ('Much depends on the way you tell them,' says Dr. Scalettar. 'There are some arrogant doctors.')
  And some patients resent paying for a visit when all the doctor provides is reassurance that they'll get better with time. 'If a patient says, 'You mean, I'm paying $100 for you to tell me there's nothing wrong?' I say, 'There is something wrong -- a virus,'' says Dr. Epperly. ''But more importantly, I can tell you what's not wrong: it's not meningitis or cancer or a brain tumor or some other life-threatening illness. And if the pain doesn't go away in a few days, please, please tell me, and we'll investigate further.''
  'The longer you've known someone, the easier that conversation is,' Dr. Epperly adds.
  Indeed, applying what some call 'a tincture of time' requires time on the doctor's part as well. Explaining why a medication or CT scan or MRI isn't necessary, or what signs to look for if an ailment isn't getting better, often takes more time than writing a quick prescription.
  Of course, there are symptoms that people should never ignore, since they could signal a serious illness or a condition that could get worse, not better, with time. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:
  -- Crushing chest pains -- the classic signs of a possible heart attack.
  -- 胸部劇烈疼痛──這可能是心髒病的典型預兆。
  -- Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body, confusion, trouble speaking or severe headache -- which could indicate a stroke.
  -- 身體一邊突然出現麻痹或者感到無力、思維混亂、說話困難或者頭疼欲烈──這可能意味著中風。
  -- Sudden, severe headaches.
  -- 突然出現劇烈的頭痛。
  -- Any major injury, especially involving loss of consciousness.
  -- 遭遇大的創傷,尤其是涉及失去意識的傷害。
  -- Coughing up, throwing up or excreting blood.
  -- 咳嗽、嘔吐越來越厲害,甚至出血。
  -- Suicidal or homicidal urges.
  -- 有自殺或者行凶的衝動。
  -- Flashing lights in your vision -- which could be a detached retina.
  -- 看東西出現閃光──可能是視網膜脫落。
  -- Inability to breathe -- which could be a severe allergic reaction.
  -- 無法呼吸──可能是嚴重的過敏反應。
  -- Recurrent tooth pain. 'You can typically give a tooth ache 24 hours,' says Dr. Epperly. 'If it's an abscess that would require a root canal, it won't get better by itself.'
  -- 持續牙痛。艾伯利醫生說,通常牙痛會持續24個小時。如果是需要根管手術的膿腫,它不會自己好起來。
  The bottom line: Don't hesitate to call your doctor if you have persistent pain or a loss of function or anything unusual for you. It's worthwhile to rule out something serious that does need medical attention. But if the doctor says you will get better on your own, that's a powerful prescription itself.
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王子 | 2009-10-5 15:09:48

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